Frequently Asked Questions

  • Depending on the overall budget and schedule of the project. I do offer payment plans and regardless, of the project I require a 25%, non refundable deposit prior to commencing work. In order to book your project.

  • If you request changes throughout production that alter the scope of work the price could change depending on the type of request.

    Things such as extra characters, scenes, assets, and minutes in duration could call drastically affect the cost.

    However, these will be discussed before making the changes so you are aware before being charged anything further.

  • When it comes to custom soundscapes music and effects I employ the capable hands of producer and composer Seth Geryon Suda.


Animation & illustration provides an opportunity to communicate states of stress in ways that are less confrontational to viewers than live action.

Poetic License

Instead of literal adaptations. Historical events can be re-enacted in poetic ways through animation & illustration. Taking viewers to foreign timelines, lands, dimensions and moods.


Animation & Illustration broaden the scope of where a story can go visually. Which offers practical and impossible solutions to narrative or emotional problems.

Dynamic Data

With animation & illustration complex data and information can be communicated in visually compelling ways that stir emotional responses. Which are more likely to be retained.

Why Animation & Illustration?

Ok, Then What?

Big or small all projects start like this…

Reach Out

Don’t be afraid to get in touch when your idea is in its infancy. Especially if you’ve never worked with an animator or illustrator or commissioned a project before.


Through a series of conversations, we will both come to understand your project's needs, goals and visions. While also getting clear about limitations.

Lock It In

Once we’ve agreed upon the scope of work, timelines, budget, and payment terms. We’ll sign my Services Agreement. To formalize our expectations and commitment.


Depending on the overall budget and schedule of the project. I require a 25%, non-refundable deposit before commencing work.

And then?

Start getting familiar with the in’s & out’s of Animation